miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2018

Midnight! Magazine - First Number (Review)

Midnight! Magazine - First Number

From the ultratomb from U$A my brother Eric Wright a.k.a with the Man Cave Entertianment (Mr.Frigth) comes this first and morbid issue from Midnigth Magazine!
This first edition from this killer magazine contains the vein from the old school contain like movies,comics,books,horror,fiction.
Just for only real horror maniacs!
Are 36 pages from putrid insane and fictionary contain only to the true horror fans! 
For example the review from Mike Howlett from the book of Les Simons called *Gila*
and the review from the Rick Mckinney from a lowprice movie from the years 70s. called *Messiah of Evil*.
The edition comes in black and white with a hard cover as cover of the whole magazine.
Zombified cover by Doug Randazzo.
If you are a real maniac into horror,terror and fiction you cant dont miss this first issue from Midnight! Magazine.
Contact: metalman1970@gmail.com 

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